Pathogens carriers.
Species commonly found in Singapore
1. House fly, Musca domestica
2. Blue Bottle fly, Calliphora vomitoria
3. Fruit fly, Drosophila spp
4. Phorid fly, Phoridae spp

An fly’s life cycle is a complete metamorphosis. A egg hatches to become a larvae (also known as maggot). Eventually emerging as an adult ant. This development takes about 4 to 8 weeks.
It generally breeds in organic matters. A fly’s tongue is shaped like straw which make it easier to suck up food. Its mouth absorb food like a sponge and it can only eat liquids. However, flies turns solid food into liquid form through spitting or vomiting on it.

Interesting facts about flies
- Studies have found as many as 6 million bacteria on just a fly.
- Transmits bacteria, viruses and eggs of parasitic worms
- Carrier for Staphylococcus aureaus, Sammonella spp., E. coli and Shigella spp.
- Flies larvae are known as maggots. Doctors use a special species of maggots to help patients with flesh wounds. (Especially burn victims). Maggots eat away the damaged flesh which helps the wound heal faster.
- Unlike other pests, most flies are active during the day. They are attracted to UV light. Hence, its best to install flytrap as low as possible for effective control.